Longhurst Housing

Longhurst Housing

Відгуки 39
2024-1-27 22:38:37

dismissive on a venerable adult

I moved into my flat about 4 years ago When I first moved in the garden flooded abit but it was a new build so it was reported and apparently would be dealt with by the contractors. The contractors gave me a day they would come round to inspect they never turned up and longhurst told me they came and my partner who wasn’t home that day answered the door and turned them away. I was then later threatened with eviction if I did not fix the flooding in my garden. I then had a rude and entitled bully move in above me. Who has a bully xl so no small dog. They have wooden stairs than run through our bedroom as well. I asked them nicely to be mindful of the noise and asked if they could put flooring down they said they would in a few days. That was over a year ago. I then asked them again to stop with the constant banging as it was stopping me and my partner from sleeping making us late for work in the mornings, they also refused to leash their dog after being told by longhurst and neighbours to do so as they had no control of the dog and there are dog aggressive dogs around here, they refused to do this and refused to pick up their dogs mess from the communal area. They then hit my motorcycle with their car door while my bike was parked In my designated spot as they was also in my parking spot I went out to see what happened as I only heard my bike alarm at to which point I was met with hostility and threats no apology after striking my vehicle. I reported this to longhurst yet nothing was done. I have autism and adhd and I have made longhurst aware of this and they dismiss me time and time again I chase them up every week to do with my nuisance neighbor and nothing changes. They have not been made to put flooring down after keep their large dog up there allowing it to run up and down the stairs at 2am. They also run up and down the stairs coming and going at all times of the night multiple times. They have also let other people live in the property while the lease holder was not staying there. This has happened a few times and yet longhurst refuse to do anything about it. I have reported all this to longhurst I’ve probably missed aload more stuff that I’ve had to report and deal with. I would not recommend this housing association for anyone with learning difficulties or anyone who is venerable as you will not be looked after and will be ignored and dismissed and made out to be the bad guy.