Про компанію

This is REDHOT, founded by Nelly Rinot. A CMO as-a-service platform for hyper-growth SaaS companies. The average tenure of a marketing leader in a SaaS company is between 6-18 months? That's an expensive, and destructive, problem.​ Nelly helps founders, CEOs and investors create and operationalize their company's marketing machine so that it's fully functioning and helping you get to your next growth stage. ​It takes time to find the right VPM, assessing variables like skill set, credentials and cost. Spending time on search can include significant opportunity costs. When the VPM does not work out, cost of severance and impact on the team increase the problem. ​This is when a seasoned executive is a good solution. If your marketing is just forming, not living up to expectations, or is pressured to produce, fast... getting someone with a lot of the relevant experience could be just what you need in the short term.

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