Про компанію

RichFX was founded in 1998. At one time, the company had 160 employees and was bank-rolled by 18 firms, a list which includes RealNetworks, Morgan Stanley, ABS Deutsche Bank, Itochu, and Israeli tech giant Yossi Vardi. Initially the company built 3D shopping environments. While visually stunning that business apparently never took off (a left over from that time is the "RichFX Player" that you still find on the web ocasionally). The company pivoted and re-launched with its current product line. Around 2005 they had a very impressive customer list with several hundred online-retailers, including many top brand names (Saks 5th Ave, Burberry, Nieman Marcus, but also Walmart, Sears, JCPenney). Their demise apparently came when they were sued for patent infringement. Eventually they sold for a small amount to Channel Advisor, with the patent law suit still pending.

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