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Beginings of a young yet very pervasive agency Studioface are going back to year 2009, when its founder Leopold Španovič realised that there is an irreplaceble need for marketing in social medias. Ful of ideas and enthusiasm he made his way on a fairly undeveloped area. He started reasearching and deepening his knowledge. In a matter of months he became one of the best consultants for brand popularization on social networks. Soon aftetr that Leopold wrote a book titeld How to succed on Facebook which was a real hit on Slovenias E-Book market. Firms started encouraging him to lecture, and soon he had more than 20 lectures across Slovenia. When his knowlege was seen, many of the companies were interested to work with him. With that came the need to establish a company which could provide adequate services. Team of Studioface is now managing over 30 pages of different companies, their total reach is more than 100.000 people, and they have made more than 100 unique applications.

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