Відгуки 13
2023-11-17 7:08:27

I had an amazing time at Cyo camp rancho framasa! ...

I had an amazing time at Cyo camp rancho framasa! The staff were incredible and made sure that everyone felt included and safe. The activities were fun and exciting, and the facilities were clean and comfortable. The food was surprisingly good for camp food. I would definitely recommend Cyo camp rancho framasa to anyone looking for an unforgettable camping experience.

2023-11-17 2:11:59

I recently had an incredible experience at this su...

I recently had an incredible experience at this summer camp. The staff were exceptionally supportive and truly made an effort to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. The activities were diverse and engaging, offering something for everyone. The camp facilities were well-maintained and the natural surroundings were stunning. The focus on fostering personal growth and building a sense of community was evident in every aspect of the program. The food was hearty and nutritious, and the accommodations were comfortable. I appreciated the thoughtful attention to detail in every aspect of the camp. It was clear that the team was dedicated to ensuring a fulfilling and memorable experience for every camper. I would highly recommend this camp for anyone looking for a positive and enriching summer adventure.

2023-11-11 7:37:00

I recently had the pleasure of attending Cyo camp ...

I recently had the pleasure of attending Cyo camp rancho framasa and it was an incredible experience. The staff were so friendly and welcoming, and they made me feel right at home. The activities were fun and engaging, and there was always something exciting happening. The facilities were clean and comfortable, and the food was surprisingly good. I can't wait to go back next year!

2023-10-27 8:19:39

I had such an incredible time at camp rancho frama...

I had such an incredible time at camp rancho framasa! The staff were friendly and attentive, and they made sure that everyone felt included and safe. The activities were fun and engaging, and there was always something new to try. The facilities were clean and comfortable, and the food was surprisingly good. I would definitely recommend camp rancho framasa to anyone looking for a memorable camping experience.

2023-9-20 18:59:36

🌟 I had the most amazing time at Cyo camp rancho f...

🌟 I had the most amazing time at Cyo camp rancho framasa! The staff were incredibly kind and helpful, and they really made an effort to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. The activities were so much fun and there was always something exciting happening. The facilities were clean and well-maintained, and the food was surprisingly delicious. I can't wait to go back next year!

2023-9-14 12:14:36

I recently attended a camp run by campranchoframas...

I recently attended a camp run by campranchoframasa.org and I must say, it was an incredible experience. The camp was well-organized and offered a wide variety of activities for campers of all ages. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable, and they made sure that everyone felt included and safe. The facilities were clean and comfortable, and the food was surprisingly good for camp food. Overall, I had a great time at Cyo camp rancho framasa and would definitely recommend it to others.

2023-9-8 2:34:06

As a customer, I must say that my experience with ...

As a customer, I must say that my experience with Cyo camp rancho framasa was nothing short of excellent. From the moment I arrived, I was greeted with warm smiles and genuine hospitality. The staff went above and beyond to ensure that my stay was comfortable and enjoyable. The facilities were clean and well-maintained, and the activities offered were both fun and educational. The food provided was delicious and there was always plenty to go around. I would highly recommend Cyo camp rancho framasa to anyone looking for a memorable and enriching camping experience.

2023-8-17 1:37:51

👍 I had a wonderful time at camp rancho framasa! T...

👍 I had a wonderful time at camp rancho framasa! The staff were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and they made me feel like part of the family. The activities were so much fun and there was never a dull moment. The facilities were clean and well-maintained, and the food was delicious. I can't wait to go back next year!

2023-5-25 11:20:17

I recently attended a camp run by campranchoframas...

I recently attended a camp run by campranchoframasa.org and it was a truly unforgettable experience. The staff were so friendly and helpful, and they went above and beyond to ensure that everyone had a great time. The activities were fun and engaging, and the facilities were clean and comfortable. The food was also surprisingly good for camp food. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fantastic camping experience.

2023-5-12 10:07:59

I recently had the pleasure of attending Cyo camp ...

I recently had the pleasure of attending Cyo camp rancho framasa and I can't speak highly enough of my experience. The staff were so friendly and welcoming, and they made me feel right at home from the moment I arrived. The activities were so much fun and there was never a dull moment. The facilities were clean and well-maintained, and the food was delicious. I can't wait to go back next year!

2023-5-1 6:37:09

I recently attended a camp and it was an amazing e...

I recently attended a camp and it was an amazing experience. The staff were friendly and helpful, the activities were fun and engaging, and the facilities were clean and comfortable. I had a great time and would definitely recommend it to others.

2023-4-7 12:50:31

🌟 I recently attended camp rancho framasa and it w...

🌟 I recently attended camp rancho framasa and it was an absolutely amazing experience. The staff were so friendly and welcoming, and they made sure that everyone felt included and had a great time. The activities were fun and engaging, and the facilities were clean and comfortable. The food was also surprisingly good for camp food. I would highly recommend camp rancho framasa to anyone looking for a fantastic camping experience.

2023-2-18 20:39:10

I had a wonderful time at camp rancho framasa! The...

I had a wonderful time at camp rancho framasa! The staff were amazing and made sure that everyone felt included and had a great time. The activities were fun and varied, and the facilities were clean and comfortable. The food was surprisingly good for camp food. I would highly recommend camp rancho framasa to anyone looking for a memorable camping experience.

Про Cyo camp rancho framasa

CYO Camp Rancho Framasa: притулок для духовного зростання та пригод на природі

Розташований серед мальовничих пагорбів округу Браун, штат Індіана, CYO Camp Rancho Framasa є унікальним центром відпочинку, який пропонує ідеальне поєднання духовного збагачення та відпочинку на природі. Незалежно від того, чи є ви молоддю, яка шукає пригод, людиною, яка шукає самотності, сім’єю, яка хоче поєднатися з природою, або групою, яка шукає натхнення та командоутворення, у CYO Camp Rancho Framasa є що запропонувати.

Заснований у 1946 році Католицькою молодіжною організацією (CYO), CYO Camp Rancho Framasa надає трансформаційний досвід тисячам туристів із усіх верств суспільства. Місія табору полягає в тому, щоб створити інклюзивне середовище, де люди зможуть почути голос Бога та шукати Святого Духа через такі види діяльності на природі, як походи, плавання, веслування на каное, стрільба з лука, мистецтво та ремесла, створення музики, оповідання історій тощо.

Однією з унікальних особливостей CYO Camp Rancho Framasa є його прагнення до інклюзивності. Табір вітає людей усіх віросповідань або взагалі невіруючих, які готові досліджувати свою духовність у прийнятній спільноті. Співробітники навчаються поважати переконання кожного відпочиваючого, водночас заохочуючи їх поглиблювати свої стосунки з Богом або його вищою силою.

Ще однією родзинкою CYO Camp Rancho Framasa є його приголомшливе природне середовище. Оточений 200 гектарами лісів і лугів, які кишать дикими тваринами, такими як олені, лисиці, єноти та пташиний спів; табір пропонує широкі можливості для дослідження та роздумів. Якщо ви хочете піднятися мальовничими стежками, які ведуть до захоплюючих краєвидів; поплавати в кристально чистому озері; веслувати по тихій річці; або просто посидіти під деревом, прислухаючись до свого внутрішнього голосу - тут ви знайдете спокій.

Приміщення в CYO Camp Rancho Framasa варіюються від сільських кают з двоярусними ліжками (ідеально підходить для груп), обладнаних електрикою, але без кондиціонерів або опалення; затишні котеджі з приватними кімнатами (ідеальними для сімей), обладнаними вентиляторами, але без телевізорів і телефонів; місця для наметів (чудово підходить для самотніх шукачів пригод), розташовані серед дерев, обладнані вогнищами, але без душів чи туалетів; Місця для автофургонів (зручні для туристів), обладнані водопроводом, але без каналізації.

Заслуговує на увагу й ресторанний досвід у CYO Camp Rancho Framasa. Страви, які тут подають, не тільки смачні, але й поживні - готуються з нуля, використовуючи свіжі місцеві інгредієнти, коли це можливо. Меню відповідає різноманітним дієтичним потребам, таким як вегетаріанство/веганство/безглютенові/безмолочних продуктів тощо, тому кожен може насолоджуватися корисною їжею без шкоди для смаку.

Крім звичайних літніх таборів, які проводяться з червня по серпень кожного року в основному для дітей віком від 7 до 17 років, існують інші програми, які пропонуються протягом року, як-от сімейні вихідні, де сім’ї можуть зібратися разом, провести час разом, насолоджуючись природою, одночасно беручи участь у різноманітних заходах, як-от стрільба з лука. , риболовля , піші прогулянки тощо. Існують також ретрити для дорослих, які зосереджуються на духовному зростанні через медитації під керівництвом, молитовні служби, майстер-класи тощо.

Підсумовуючи, CYO Camp Rancho Framasa виділяється як єдине у своєму роді місце, яке поєднує веселі пригоди з душевним самоаналізом. Це надає можливість не тільки втекти від міського життя, але й глибше поєднатися всередині себе в оточенні природної краси. З гостинною атмосферою, різноманітними варіантами програмування, першокласними зручностями та зручностями; легко зрозуміти, чому це місце стає улюбленим місцем призначення покоління за поколінням.
