Відгуки 12
2023-11-17 22:33:30

I recently had the pleasure of discovering a wonde...

I recently had the pleasure of discovering a wonderful institute that has truly transformed my life. Their website provides a wealth of information and resources, making it easy to understand and navigate. The Gokhale Method is a game-changer when it comes to improving posture and relieving back pain. The instructors are knowledgeable, patient, and incredibly supportive throughout the entire process. The classes are engaging and the techniques taught are practical and effective. The team goes above and beyond to ensure that every student feels comfortable and confident in their practice. Not only have I experienced significant relief from my back issues, but I also feel a newfound sense of body awareness and confidence. I highly recommend the Gokhale Method Institute to anyone seeking long-term solutions for better posture and overall well-being.

2023-9-20 17:44:04

😊 The Gokhale Method is incredible! It has helped ...

😊 The Gokhale Method is incredible! It has helped me overcome my chronic back pain and improve my posture. The techniques are easy to learn and implement in daily life. The instructors are knowledgeable and supportive, creating a positive learning environment. I'm so grateful for this method! 😊

2023-9-19 22:30:42

I've tried many methods to relieve my back pain, b...

I've tried many methods to relieve my back pain, but the Gokhale Method is by far the most effective. The techniques are easy to learn and incorporate into my daily routine. The instructors are knowledgeable and supportive, making the learning process enjoyable. I highly recommend it!

2023-7-31 10:53:49

The Gokhale Method is a game-changer! I've tried n...

The Gokhale Method is a game-changer! I've tried numerous methods to relieve my back pain, but nothing has worked as effectively as this. The techniques taught are easy to understand and implement, and the results are noticeable right away. The instructors are highly skilled and provide excellent support. I'm so grateful to have found this method!

2023-6-8 6:18:17

👍 I can't express enough how grateful I am for the...

👍 I can't express enough how grateful I am for the Gokhale Method. It has completely transformed my life. The techniques are simple yet powerful, and the results are incredible. I used to struggle with chronic pain in my back and shoulders, but now I feel so much better. The instructors are amazing and provide excellent guidance throughout the process. Highly recommended! 👍

2023-5-7 0:49:38

The Gokhale Method has been a life-changer for me!...

The Gokhale Method has been a life-changer for me! I struggled with chronic back pain for years, but after implementing the techniques taught, I've experienced a significant reduction in pain and improved posture. The instructors provide excellent guidance and support throughout the learning process. Highly recommended!

2023-4-17 20:20:45

I have been struggling with back pain for years, b...

I have been struggling with back pain for years, but since I started practicing the techniques taught by the Gokhale Method, my pain has significantly decreased. The method is straightforward to follow, and the instructors provide great guidance. I highly recommend it to anyone suffering from back pain.

2023-4-17 13:25:53

The Gokhale Method Institute is absolutely amazing...

The Gokhale Method Institute is absolutely amazing! I have been struggling with back pain for years and have tried various methods to find relief. But the Gokhale Method is the only thing that has truly helped me. The techniques are simple yet effective, and the instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. I highly recommend it to anyone suffering from chronic back pain.

2023-3-20 6:57:07

🌟 The Gokhale Method is absolutely incredible! I'v...

🌟 The Gokhale Method is absolutely incredible! I've suffered from back pain for years, but after following the techniques taught, my pain has significantly reduced. The instructors are amazing and provide great support throughout the learning process. Thank you, Gokhale Method! 🌟

2023-2-14 3:47:40

I recently started following the Gokhale Method an...

I recently started following the Gokhale Method and it has made a significant difference in the way I move and sit. The techniques taught are very practical and easy to implement in everyday life. I've noticed a considerable improvement in my posture which has helped alleviate my back pain. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for natural ways to improve their posture and overall well-being.

2023-2-13 23:30:37

I am amazed at how effective the Gokhale Method is...

I am amazed at how effective the Gokhale Method is in relieving back pain. The techniques are simple yet powerful. The instructors are very knowledgeable and provide great support. I especially appreciate the emphasis on proper posture and body alignment. I would highly recommend the Gokhale Method to anyone dealing with back pain.

2023-1-7 2:25:21

I've been following the techniques taught by the G...

I've been following the techniques taught by the Gokhale Method for a few weeks now, and I can already feel a significant improvement in my posture and overall well-being. The method is simple and practical, and the instructors provide great guidance. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their posture and alleviate back pain.

Про Gokhale method institute, inc.

Gokhale Method Institute, Inc. – це компанія, яка спеціалізується на навчанні людей, як покращити свою поставу та моделі рухів. Компанію заснувала Естер Гокхале, яка розробила метод Гокхале після того, як сама відчувала хронічний біль у спині.

Метод Гокхале базується на ідеї, що люди еволюціонували, щоб рухатися певними способами, які є природними та здоровими для нашого тіла. Однак сучасний спосіб життя та звички змусили багатьох людей прийняти неправильну поставу та рухи, що може призвести до болю та травм.

В Інституті методу Гокхале студенти вчаться сидіти, стояти, лежати, нахилятися та рухатися зручно та здорово для свого тіла. Метод підкреслює використання природних вигинів тіла, щоб підтримувати себе, а не покладатися на зовнішні опори, такі як стільці чи подушки.

Одним із ключових принципів методу Гокхале є «розтяжка», тобто сидячи з легким нахилом тазу вперед, одночасно витягаючи хребет догори. Це положення допомагає розтиснути міжхребетні диски та зменшити тиск на нерви, а також зміцнити основні м’язи.

Іншим важливим аспектом методу є «ковзання», що передбачає ходьбу великими кроками, утримуючи вагу в центрі стоп. Це допомагає покращити баланс і стабільність, одночасно зменшуючи вплив на суглоби.

Метод Гокхале отримав високу оцінку багатьох медичних працівників за його ефективність у зменшенні болю та покращенні загального стану здоров’я. Про це писали численні ЗМІ, зокрема NPR, The New York Times і The Wall Street Journal.

На додаток до занять, які проводяться в штаб-квартирі в Пало-Альто, штат Каліфорнія, Gokhale Method Institute пропонує онлайн-курси, а також семінари по всьому світу, які проводять сертифіковані інструктори.

Незалежно від того, чи маєте ви справу з хронічним болем, чи просто хочете покращити поставу для кращого загального здоров’я, приєднання до класу чи семінару в Gokhale Method Institute може стати чудовою інвестицією у ваше благополуччя. Завдяки зосередженню на природних моделях рухів, підтверджених науковими дослідженнями, цей метод пропонує унікальний підхід до покращення вашого фізичного комфорту як зараз, так і в старості.

Gokhale method institute, inc.

Gokhale method institute, inc.
