Відгуки 13
2023-9-30 11:40:41

CUSTOMER: The education I received at Riverside pu...

CUSTOMER: The education I received at Riverside public school was truly exceptional. The teachers were knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, which made learning enjoyable. The school environment was inclusive and supportive, fostering a sense of belonging among the students. The extracurricular activities offered by the school were diverse and helped in the overall development of the students. I am grateful for the opportunities I had at Riverside public school and would recommend it to anyone seeking a well-rounded education.

2023-8-29 3:34:41

CUSTOMER: 😄Riverside public school is an excellent...

CUSTOMER: 😄Riverside public school is an excellent educational institution. The teachers are dedicated and knowledgeable, ensuring that each student receives quality education. The school provides a nurturing environment where students can learn and grow. The extracurricular activities offered by the school are diverse and help in the overall development of the students. The facilities at the school are top-notch and provide a conducive learning environment. I highly recommend Riverside public school to all parents.

2023-8-7 23:36:08

CUSTOMER: I am so impressed with Riverside public ...

CUSTOMER: I am so impressed with Riverside public school! The teachers are passionate about their work and truly care about the students. The curriculum is well-structured and covers a wide range of subjects, providing students with a well-rounded education. The school also focuses on character development, instilling important values in the students. The facilities at the school are modern and well-maintained. Overall, Riverside public school has exceeded my expectations, and I am grateful that my child is enrolled here.

2023-6-13 7:23:11

CUSTOMER: I have been associated with Riverside pu...

CUSTOMER: I have been associated with Riverside public school for the past 4 years, and I must say it has been a truly enriching experience. The school provides a nurturing environment for the students, encouraging both academic and personal growth. The dedicated teachers and staff are always ready to lend a helping hand and ensure that each student receives the attention they need. The facilities and resources available at the school are top-notch, making learning a fun and interactive experience. I highly recommend Riverside public school for parents looking for a quality education for their children.

2023-6-9 0:48:34

CUSTOMER: Ever since I enrolled my child in Rivers...

CUSTOMER: Ever since I enrolled my child in Riverside public school, I have seen a remarkable improvement in their overall development. The teachers are dedicated and passionate about teaching, and they create a conducive learning environment that encourages students to excel. The curriculum is well-structured and covers a wide range of subjects, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education. The school also offers various co-curricular activities that help in the holistic development of the child. I am extremely satisfied with Riverside public school and would highly recommend it to other parents.

2023-5-30 11:40:09

CUSTOMER: 🌟🌟🌟 I absolutely love Riverside public s...

CUSTOMER: 🌟🌟🌟 I absolutely love Riverside public school! The teachers are amazing and always go the extra mile to ensure that the students receive the best education. The school has a warm and welcoming atmosphere, which makes it easy for students to adapt and thrive. The academic curriculum is well-designed, and the school also places a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities and character development. The facilities provided by the school are fantastic as well. I couldn't be happier with my time at Riverside public school!

2023-4-24 23:46:19

CUSTOMER: The education provided at Riverside publ...

CUSTOMER: The education provided at Riverside public school is top-notch. The teachers are highly qualified and dedicated to their profession. They use innovative teaching methods to engage students and make learning enjoyable. The school also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, allowing students to explore their interests beyond academics. The facilities at the school are excellent, providing a conducive environment for learning. Overall, I am extremely impressed with Riverside public school and would definitely recommend it.

2023-3-18 11:22:49

CUSTOMER: I am very happy with the education my ch...

CUSTOMER: I am very happy with the education my child is receiving at Riverside public school. The teachers are knowledgeable and dedicated, and they go the extra mile to ensure that each student understands the concepts thoroughly. The school curriculum is well-designed and covers all the necessary subjects. The school also offers various extracurricular activities that help in the overall development of the child. The facilities at Riverside public school are well-maintained and provide a conducive learning environment. I highly recommend this school to all parents.

2023-3-18 2:11:14

CUSTOMER: My experience with Riverside public scho...

CUSTOMER: My experience with Riverside public school has been nothing short of amazing. The teachers are incredibly dedicated and go above and beyond to ensure that each student reaches their full potential. The school offers a well-rounded curriculum that balances academics with extracurricular activities. The facilities at Riverside public school are top-notch, providing students with a conducive learning environment. I am extremely satisfied with the education my child is receiving at Riverside public school and would highly recommend it to other parents.

2023-3-17 10:58:15

CUSTOMER: 😊I am extremely happy with the education...

CUSTOMER: 😊I am extremely happy with the education my child has received at Riverside public school. The teachers are wonderful and provide individual attention to each child, ensuring their academic success. The school has a warm and nurturing environment that helps students feel comfortable and motivated to learn. The extracurricular activities offered by the school are diverse and promote holistic development. I highly recommend Riverside public school to all parents looking for a school that puts the students' needs first.

2023-2-18 16:34:30

CUSTOMER: I can't say enough good things about Riv...

CUSTOMER: I can't say enough good things about Riverside public school! The teachers are amazing, and the curriculum is comprehensive. The school provides a nurturing environment where students feel supported and encouraged to reach their full potential. The extracurricular activities offered by the school are diverse and help in the overall development of the students. The facilities at Riverside public school are top-notch and provide a conducive learning environment. I highly recommend this school to all parents!

2023-2-7 13:43:28

CUSTOMER: The education provided at Riverside publ...

CUSTOMER: The education provided at Riverside public school is exceptional. The teachers are highly qualified and passionate about their work, which reflects in the quality of education they provide. The school offers a well-rounded curriculum that focuses on both academics and extracurricular activities. The facilities at Riverside public school are modern and well-equipped, providing students with an optimal learning environment. I highly recommend Riverside public school to all parents looking for a school that prioritizes holistic development.

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Про Riverside public school

Державна школа Ріверсайд: найкраща школа ICSE у Котагірі та Нілгірі

Державна школа Riverside є першокласним навчальним закладом, розташованим у мальовничому містечку Котагірі, розташованому серед пишних зелених пагорбів Нілгіріс. Заснована в 2005 році державна школа Ріверсайд стала однією з найкращих шкіл ICSE в регіоні, пропонуючи якісну освіту для студентів з різних професій.

У Ріверсайдській державній школі ми віримо, що освіта — це не лише передача знань, а й виховання молодих розумів і формування їх характеру. Наш цілісний підхід до освіти зосереджується на розвитку інтелектуального, емоційного, соціального та фізичного благополуччя учнів.

Наш факультет складається з висококваліфікованих і досвідчених викладачів, які захоплені викладанням і прагнуть надати індивідуальну увагу кожному студенту. У нас низьке співвідношення студентів і викладачів, що гарантує, що кожен студент отримує індивідуальну увагу та керівництво.

Ми пропонуємо комплексну навчальну програму, яка охоплює всі аспекти навчання – академічну, позакласну та позакласну діяльність. Наша академічна програма відповідає навчальній програмі ICSE, встановленій Радою індійських шкільних іспитів (CISCE), яка визнана в усьому світі своїми високими стандартами.

Крім академічних, ми пропонуємо широкий спектр додаткових навчальних заходів, таких як музика, танці, драма, мистецтво та ремесла, спорт та ігри, які допомагають учням розкрити свої таланти та інтереси. Ми також організовуємо польові поїздки та екскурсії, щоб забезпечити практичний досвід навчання поза аудиторією.

У Ріверсайдській державній школі ми маємо найсучасніші інфраструктурні об’єкти, такі як просторі класи, обладнані смарт-дошками та проекторами; добре укомплектована бібліотека; наукові лабораторії; комп'ютерна лабораторія з підключенням до високошвидкісного Інтернету; майданчики для різних видів спорту та ігор; аудиторія для культурних заходів та семінарів.

Ми також надаємо гуртожиток для студентів, які навчаються за кордоном, з комфортним проживанням та повноцінним харчуванням під суворим наглядом наглядачів. Наш гуртожиток має окремі корпуси для хлопчиків і дівчаток з цілодобовою охороною.

У державній школі Ріверсайд відкриті прийоми для всіх класів від ясельного до X класу. Ми дотримуємося прозорого процесу прийому на основі заслуг без будь-якої дискримінації за кастою чи віросповіданням. Батьки можуть відвідати наш шкільний кампус у робочий час або зв’язатися з нами за телефоном/електронною поштою/веб-сайтом/каналами соціальних мереж для отримання додаткової інформації щодо вступу чи будь-яких інших питань, які вони можуть мати.

На закінчення,

Державна школа Ріверсайд – це не просто ще одна школа, а заклад, де майбутнє вашої дитини буде формуватися, надаючи їй якісну освіту разом із моральними цінностями, які допоможуть їй стати відповідальними громадянами завтрашнього світу!
