Відгуки 13
2023-11-28 22:31:19

My child has been attending a fantastic Montessori...

My child has been attending a fantastic Montessori preschool called Svedala Förskola. We have been extremely pleased with the quality of education and care provided by the school. The teachers are highly skilled and dedicated, and they create a warm and supportive learning environment for the children. The Montessori approach has been wonderful for my child's development, fostering independence, confidence, and a love for learning. The school facilities are well-maintained and equipped with engaging materials. I would highly recommend Svedala Montessori Preschool to any parent looking for a top-notch educational experience for their child.

2023-10-20 3:51:49

💖 Svedala Montessori Preschool is truly a gem! 💖 T...

💖 Svedala Montessori Preschool is truly a gem! 💖 The teachers are amazing and create a loving and supportive environment for the children. The Montessori curriculum is fantastic, promoting independence, creativity, and a love for learning. The facilities are bright, clean, and well-equipped, providing a safe and stimulating space for the children to explore. My child has thrived in this nurturing environment, and I am extremely grateful for the impact the preschool has had on their development. I highly recommend Svedala Montessori Preschool to all parents seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child! 💖

2023-8-14 10:10:04

Svedala Montessori Preschool is a wonderful place ...

Svedala Montessori Preschool is a wonderful place for children to grow and learn. The teachers are caring and knowledgeable, and they create an environment that encourages creativity, curiosity, and independence. My child has blossomed under the Montessori philosophy and has developed a strong love for learning. The school facilities are well-equipped and provide a safe and stimulating space for the children. I am grateful to have found such a nurturing preschool for my child and highly recommend Svedala Montessori Preschool to other parents.

2023-8-1 16:16:40

Svedala Montessori Preschool is an excellent educa...

Svedala Montessori Preschool is an excellent educational institution. The teachers are knowledgeable and passionate about their work, creating an inspiring and supportive environment for the children. The Montessori curriculum is outstanding, fostering independence, creativity, and a love for learning. The facilities are clean, safe, and well-equipped, providing a stimulating space for the children to explore their interests. I am grateful that my child has the opportunity to attend this wonderful preschool and I highly recommend it to other parents.

2023-7-9 14:12:08

Svedala Montessori Preschool has been a wonderful ...

Svedala Montessori Preschool has been a wonderful experience for my child. The teachers are caring and dedicated, creating a nurturing environment for the children to learn and grow. The Montessori curriculum is engaging and fosters independence and a love for learning. The facilities are well-maintained and provide a safe and stimulating space for the children to explore. I highly recommend Svedala Montessori Preschool to any parent seeking a high-quality educational experience for their child.

2023-6-20 19:15:07

I am very happy with the education my child is rec...

I am very happy with the education my child is receiving at Svedala Montessori Preschool. The teachers are dedicated and caring, and they create a nurturing and stimulating environment for the children. The Montessori curriculum allows for individualized learning and promotes important skills such as independence and problem-solving. The facilities are well-maintained and provide a safe and inviting space for the children to explore. I highly recommend Svedala Montessori Preschool to other parents.

2023-6-9 11:04:33

I had a really great experience with Svedala Monte...

I had a really great experience with Svedala Montessori Preschool! The staff was very friendly and professional, and my child always felt comfortable and safe. The curriculum was well-structured and provided a good mix of academic and hands-on activities. I appreciate the Montessori approach that allows children to learn at their own pace and encourages independence. The facilities are clean and inviting, with plenty of materials and resources for the children to explore. Overall, I highly recommend Svedala Montessori Preschool to any parent looking for a nurturing and educational environment for their child.

2023-5-30 15:21:52

My experience with Svedala Montessori Preschool ha...

My experience with Svedala Montessori Preschool has been outstanding! 😊 The teachers are wonderful and create a warm and nurturing environment for the children. The Montessori curriculum is top-notch, allowing children to learn at their own pace and develop important skills. The facilities are clean, bright, and inviting, with a wide range of engaging materials for the children to explore. I have seen my child grow and flourish since joining this preschool, and I highly recommend it to any parent looking for a high-quality educational experience for their child!

2023-5-16 12:15:01

🌟 I can't speak highly enough about Svedala Montes...

🌟 I can't speak highly enough about Svedala Montessori Preschool! 🌟 The teachers are absolutely amazing, creating a warm and nurturing environment for the children. The Montessori curriculum is outstanding, encouraging independence, curiosity, and a love for learning. The facilities are welcoming and well-equipped, providing a safe and engaging space for the children to explore their interests. My child has grown so much since attending Svedala Montessori Preschool, and I am incredibly grateful for the impact it has had on their development. I highly recommend this preschool to all parents seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child! 🌟

2023-4-19 17:27:57

I am very satisfied with Svedala Montessori Presch...

I am very satisfied with Svedala Montessori Preschool. The teachers are skilled and caring, creating a supportive learning environment for the children. The Montessori curriculum allows for individualized learning and promotes independence and critical thinking. The facilities are clean and inviting, providing a safe and stimulating space for the children to explore and learn. I highly recommend this preschool to any parent looking for a quality educational experience for their child.

2023-1-8 18:51:54

I am very happy with the preschool that my child a...

I am very happy with the preschool that my child attends. The teachers are dedicated and caring, and they provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for the children. My child has learned so much and developed important skills through the Montessori approach. The facilities are well-maintained and provide plenty of opportunities for hands-on learning. I would definitely recommend this preschool to other parents looking for a quality educational experience for their child.

2022-12-25 9:35:57

😍 Svedala Montessori Preschool is absolutely amazi...

😍 Svedala Montessori Preschool is absolutely amazing! 😍 The teachers are incredibly dedicated and create a nurturing and stimulating environment for the children. The Montessori approach is fantastic, promoting independence, curiosity, and a love for learning. The facilities are beautiful and well-equipped, offering a safe and engaging space for the children to explore. My child has thrived since joining this preschool, and I am grateful for the positive impact it has had on their development. I highly recommend Svedala Montessori Preschool to all parents seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child! 😍

2022-12-24 7:46:03

🌟 My experience with Svedala Montessori Preschool ...

🌟 My experience with Svedala Montessori Preschool has been absolutely amazing! 🌟 The teachers are so dedicated and caring, creating a positive and enriching environment for the children. The Montessori curriculum is excellent, promoting independent thinking and a love for learning. The facilities are beautiful and well-maintained, providing a safe and stimulating space for children to explore. My child has grown both academically and personally since joining Svedala Montessori Preschool, and I couldn't be happier with the progress. I highly recommend this preschool to any parent seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child. 🌟

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Про Svedala montessoriförskola ekonomisk förening

Дошкільний заклад Svedala Montessori: унікальний підхід до раннього виховання дітей

Svedala Montessori Preschool – це унікальний навчальний заклад, розташований у Сведальській комуні. Дошкільний заклад має свою основу в педагогіці Монтессорі, яка наголошує на дитиноцентричному навчанні та індивідуальному навчанні. Дошкільний навчальний заклад Svedala Montessori Preschool, який наразі відвідує приблизно 35 дітей, забезпечує винятковий досвід ранньої освіти, який сприяє розвитку творчості, незалежності та навичок критичного мислення.

У дошкільному закладі Svedala Montessori Preschool ми віримо, що кожна дитина унікальна і має свій власний темп навчання. Наша навчальна програма розроблена таким чином, щоб задовольнити індивідуальні потреби та інтереси кожної дитини, забезпечуючи їм безпечне та сприятливе середовище, де вони можуть розкрити свій потенціал. Ми пропонуємо широкий спектр заходів, які сприяють когнітивному розвитку, навичкам соціалізації, фізичній координації, емоційному інтелекту та культурній обізнаності.

Наша команда досвідчених викладачів прагне створити привабливе навчальне середовище, де діти можуть процвітати як у навчанні, так і в суспільстві. Вони навчаються філософії та методології Монтессорі, що дозволяє їм вести кожну дитину через власну подорож відкриттів у власному темпі.

Приміщення дошкільного закладу розроблено з урахуванням безпеки дітей, а також забезпечує достатньо місця для дослідження та ігор. Наші класи обладнані матеріалами, що відповідають віку, які заохочують наших учнів до практичного навчання.

Ми розуміємо, наскільки важливо для батьків брати участь у навчанні своєї дитини; тому ми маємо політику відкритих дверей, коли батьки можуть відвідувати школу в будь-який час протягом робочого часу або запланувати зустрічі з вчителями чи адміністраторами, якщо це необхідно.

На додаток до звичайних навчальних занять, таких як мовне мистецтво (читання та письмо), математика (рахунок та арифметика), природничі науки (біологія та фізика), географія (карти та культури) тощо, ми також пропонуємо позакласні заходи, такі як уроки музики ( фортепіано/гітара/скрипка), мистецькі заняття (живопис/малюнок/скульптура) та спорт (футбол/баскетбол/волейбол), щоб допомогти дітям розвивати свої таланти та інтереси.

У дошкільному закладі Svedala Montessori Preschool ми віримо, що освіта полягає не лише в отриманні знань, а й у розвитку любові до навчання. Ми прагнемо створити середовище, де діти можуть досліджувати свою допитливість, креативність і уяву, будуючи міцну основу для майбутнього успіху в навчанні.

Підсумовуючи, дошкільний навчальний заклад Svedala Montessori Preschool є винятковим навчальним закладом, який забезпечує унікальний підхід до ранньої освіти. Завдяки навчальній програмі, орієнтованій на дитину, досвідченим учителям, безпечним приміщенням і позакласним заходам; він пропонує неперевершений досвід навчання для маленьких дітей у Svedala Kommun. Якщо ви шукаєте дошкільний заклад, який цінує індивідуальність вашої дитини та розвиває її потенціал у сприятливому середовищі; тоді дивіться не далі, ніж дошкільний заклад Svedala Montessori!

Svedala montessoriförskola ekonomisk förening

Svedala montessoriförskola ekonomisk förening
