Відгуки 11
2023-10-5 16:20:51

My child has been attending a preparatory school f...

My child has been attending a preparatory school for the past few years and I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed with the quality of education and overall experience provided by the school. The teachers are dedicated professionals who genuinely care about the students' success. The curriculum is engaging and challenging, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The school also emphasizes the importance of character development and provides various opportunities for students to participate in community service and leadership activities. I would definitely recommend this school to any parent looking for a great education for their child.

2023-7-24 22:13:21

My experience with the prep school has been great....

My experience with the prep school has been great. The teachers are knowledgeable and provide a nurturing environment for the students. The curriculum is rigorous and prepares the students well for future academic challenges. The school also offers various opportunities for extracurricular involvement, allowing students to explore their interests and develop new skills. I highly recommend The Benjamin Preparatory School for any parent seeking a quality education for their child.

2023-6-24 9:24:12

I just started sending my child to The Benjamin Pr...

I just started sending my child to The Benjamin Preparatory School this year and we couldn't be happier with our choice. The teachers are amazing and really care about the students' success. The curriculum is challenging, yet thoughtfully designed to cater to different learning styles. The school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests. I am impressed with the level of dedication and commitment demonstrated by The Benjamin Preparatory School.

2023-6-10 1:01:38

I have been extremely impressed with The Benjamin ...

I have been extremely impressed with The Benjamin Preparatory School. The teachers are dedicated and passionate about their work. The curriculum is challenging and provides a well-rounded education. The school also prioritizes character development and offers various opportunities for students to participate in leadership activities. My child has grown academically and socially since attending this school, and I am confident in the foundation they are receiving for future success.

2023-5-8 21:30:29

I have been sending my child to The Benjamin Prepa...

I have been sending my child to The Benjamin Preparatory School for the past two years and I am extremely pleased with the quality of education provided. The teachers are highly experienced and dedicated, and they create a nurturing environment for the students. The curriculum is rigorous and well-rounded, ensuring that my child is challenged academically while also developing important life skills. The school also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, allowing students to explore their interests outside of the classroom. Overall, I highly recommend The Benjamin Preparatory School to any parent seeking an excellent education for their child.

2023-3-31 0:40:51

I've had a wonderful experience with my child atte...

I've had a wonderful experience with my child attending The Benjamin Preparatory School. The teachers are excellent and really care about the students' success. The curriculum is comprehensive and provides a well-rounded education. The school also offers a range of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests and develop new skills. My child has grown academically and personally since attending this school, and I am confident that The Benjamin Preparatory School is providing a solid foundation for their future.

2023-3-24 5:22:14

👍 My child started attending The Benjamin Preparat...

👍 My child started attending The Benjamin Preparatory School this year and so far our experience has been fantastic! The teachers are passionate about their work and go above and beyond to ensure that each student feels supported and valued. The curriculum is well-designed and incorporates innovative teaching methods. The school also has a strong sense of community, encouraging collaboration and fostering positive relationships among students. I am incredibly happy with the education my child is receiving at The Benjamin Preparatory School.

2023-3-20 18:34:23

The Benjamin Preparatory School has been an amazin...

The Benjamin Preparatory School has been an amazing choice for my child's education. The teachers are dedicated and passionate, creating a positive and engaging learning environment. The curriculum is well-designed, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The school also places a strong emphasis on character development and offers numerous opportunities for students to grow both academically and personally. I am incredibly grateful for the education my child is receiving at The Benjamin Preparatory School.

2023-1-10 1:05:17

Sending my child to The Benjamin Preparatory Schoo...

Sending my child to The Benjamin Preparatory School has been one of the best decisions I've made. The teachers are highly qualified and provide a supportive and engaging learning environment. The curriculum is rigorous and prepares students for future academic challenges. The school also offers a range of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests and develop new skills. I am constantly impressed with the dedication and commitment of The Benjamin Preparatory School's staff.

2022-12-10 22:14:06

👌 The Benjamin Preparatory School has exceeded my ...

👌 The Benjamin Preparatory School has exceeded my expectations. The teachers are highly skilled and create an inclusive and supportive learning environment. The curriculum is comprehensive and encourages critical thinking and creativity. The school also values community service, which I appreciate as a parent. My child is thriving both academically and personally at The Benjamin Preparatory School, and I would highly recommend it to others.

Про The benjamin preparatory school

Підготовча школа Бенджаміна: виховання молодих розумів для світлого майбутнього

Підготовча школа Бенджаміна — це неконфесійна школа, розташована в окрузі Атланта-Кобб, штат Джорджія. Він відомий своїми розвиненими науками, виконавським мистецтвом, легкою атлетикою, двомовною навчальною програмою та сприятливою навчальною атмосферою. Школа забезпечує поживне харчування, щоб учні були здоровими та бадьорими протягом дня.

Ми в The Benjamin Preparatory School віримо, що кожна дитина має потенціал досягти величі. Наша місія полягає в тому, щоб забезпечити середовище, де студенти можуть процвітати в академічному, соціальному та емоційному плані. Ми прагнемо створити спільноту допитливих, творчих і співчутливих учнів.


Наша академічна програма розроблена, щоб кинути виклик студентам, надаючи їм підтримку, необхідну для досягнення успіху. Ми пропонуємо сувору навчальну програму, яка включає математику, природничі науки, мовні мистецтва та суспільствознавство. Наші вчителі використовують інноваційні методи навчання, такі як проектне навчання та інтеграція технологій, щоб залучити учнів до навчання.

Виконавські види мистецтва

Програма виконавського мистецтва в The Benjamin Preparatory School дозволяє учням досліджувати свою творчість через музику, драму та танці. Студенти мають можливість брати участь у хорі чи оркестрі, а також у драматичних постановках протягом року.

Легка атлетика

Ми вважаємо, що рухова активність є важливою частиною загального розвитку школяра. Наша спортивна програма пропонує студентам будь-якого рівня кваліфікації такі види спорту, як баскетбол, футбол і волейбол.

Двомовна навчальна програма

У сучасному глобальному суспільстві для студентів важливо володіти більш ніж однією мовою. У підготовчій школі Benjamin Preparatory School ми пропонуємо двомовну навчальну програму, за якою учні вивчають англійську та іспанську мови з дитячого садка до восьмого класу.

Виховання навчальної атмосфери

Ми розуміємо, що діти найкраще навчаються, коли відчувають безпеку та підтримку. Ось чому ми створили сприятливу навчальну атмосферу, де кожен студент відчуває, що його цінують як особистість з унікальними талантами та здібностями.

Поживні страви

Ми вважаємо, що звички здорового харчування є важливими для загального благополуччя студента. Наша школа пропонує поживні страви, які готуються на місці зі свіжих продуктів.


Підготовча школа Бенджаміна прагне забезпечити виняткову освіту для учнів в окрузі Атланта-Кобб, Джорджія. Наша всебічна навчальна програма, можливості для занять сценічними мистецтвами та спортом, двомовна навчальна програма, сприятлива навчальна атмосфера та поживне харчування відрізняють нас від інших шкіл у цьому районі. Ми запрошуємо вас відвідати наш кампус і переконатися на власні очі, чому Benjamin Preparatory School є правильним вибором для навчання вашої дитини.

The benjamin preparatory school

The benjamin preparatory school